[The date of exporting log:2024-12-13] 14:00:06:741>> Connected RISC-V mode WCH-Link Cnt:0 14:02:39:232>> Changing WCH-Link mode... 14:02:39:248>> Succeed! 14:07:57:740>> VerFile: D:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\WCH-LinkUtility\Firmware_Link\FIRMWARE_CH32V305.BIN 14:07:57:742>> Please wait for WCH-Link updating! 14:07:57:742>> WCH-Link firmware updating... 14:07:57:752>> Failed! 14:07:58:265>> Connected RISC-V mode WCH-Link Cnt:0 14:08:36:690>> Failed to connect with WCH-Link!Please affirm link is at RISC-V mode! 14:08:38:847>> Failed to connect with WCH-Link!Please affirm link is at RISC-V mode! 14:08:45:843>> Failed to connect with WCH-Link!Please affirm link is at RISC-V mode! 14:08:47:728>> Failed to connect with WCH-Link!Please affirm link is at RISC-V mode! 14:09:26:488>> Changing WCH-Link mode... 14:09:27:830>> Failed:Not found target device! 14:09:40:181>> Succeed to disconnect with WCH-Link! 14:09:41:412>> Failed to connect with WCH-Link!Please affirm link is at RISC-V mode! 14:10:10:921>> Please choose a WCH-Link or Refresh the WCH-Link list at first! 14:10:10:921>> Please choose a WCH-Link or Refresh the WCH-Link list at first! 14:10:10:937>> Failed to connect with WCH-Link!Please affirm link is at RISC-V mode! 14:10:12:569>> Please choose a WCH-Link or Refresh the WCH-Link list at first! 14:10:12:571>> Please choose a WCH-Link or Refresh the WCH-Link list at first! 14:10:12:571>> Failed to connect with WCH-Link!Please affirm link is at RISC-V mode! 14:10:15:011>> Failed to connect with WCH-Link!Please affirm link is at RISC-V mode! 14:10:17:185>> Failed to connect with WCH-Link!Please affirm link is at RISC-V mode! 14:10:34:179>> Begin to synchronize current WCH-Link firmware... 14:10:35:521>> Failed,please check the connection status of WCH-Link! 14:15:46:151>> Failed to connect with WCH-Link!Please affirm link is at RISC-V mode! **Operation Statistics Succeed:0 | Total:0**
热门产品 :
CH592: RISC-V内核BLE5.4无线MCU