CH559模拟CH9326,SET IDLE 失败

用技术社区提供的CH559模拟CH9326例程程序,做的USB HID 读卡器。电脑端口发送 SET idle 指令,设备无法识别。





屏蔽len = 0xFF; 即可

Many of the examples including also their bootloaders have a bug which results in wrong behavour after an unsuported Setup request. When a Setup ocures any possible Stall from previous requests has to bei cleared. Spec requires that.

From the trace it looks like you run into this case. Idle is not supported and fails. Also the next setup fails. Then it works again....

I reported this bug a long time ago but nothing changed.


case SETUP:

          UEP0_CTL &= 0xF2;




No thats not correct. The spec clearly states that the response to every unknown request has to be a STALL handshake.

When you check the trace you can see a reenumeration of the device  at 787.1.0. At 792.1.0 you can see that Getdesc(HID) fails because of the bug i am describing and therefore reenum fails.

How would you explain the STALL response to SetIdle at 791.2.0 when he never put len=0xFF; in the code.


屏蔽len = 0xff之后的抓包数据如下:

